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The Fight For Truth

The fondators

Saskia WieringaMembers of the progressive women’s organization Gerwani & Nursyabani
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Why this website?

The Indonesian genocide is one of the largest and most unknown genocides after the Second World War. The denial of this genocide was planned since the beginning.
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IPT 1965?

The recognition of this genocide both for national and international human rights bodies.
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Denial of the genocide

Justification of genocidal murder: Cleansing’ the society of communist evil, for the good of the nation, its ideology, and its religions...
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We aim to contribute to the many ongoing efforts at truth finding about this crucial episode in Indonesian history.

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Million people murdered

What is the IPT 1965?

The full name of the IPT 1965 is ‘The International People’s Tribunal on Crimes Against Humanity in Indonesia 1965’.

In March 2013 a group of exiles, activists and academics assembled in The Hagueto organize a People’s Tribunal toassess the massacres and the other mass crimes against humanity committed in Indonesia after the « events of October 1st 1965 ».


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Fight for the Truth


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